Questions: 1. What's the difference between seo, adword, adsense? I went to google and checked them out. But the explanation is too technical for me. I want a more straight forward, easy to understand words.
2. If a keyword is put in on a search engines, the results will come up in 2 different places. Results that are numbered (1 until a zillion) ; and results that are on top of those that are numbered (usually 2 websites on the very top). What's the difference?
3. If I register a keyword on google, will my website be on the numbered websites or the top 2?
4. How much is usually the bid for a keyword? I want to know the most expensive one? Like for example the word "insurance"
I"m a newbie too and I learn alot from a free newsletter and information from www.perry Most of his information is on using google adwards.Hope that helps you out a little.
Why don't you just shoot a rocket AT the cases like they do in that verizon commercial? Set up a horizontal wire to guide the rocket directly to the cases, and voila! Just be sure to leave your iPhones inside! I think that would be a better test than actually trying to launch iphones into the hundredfootosphere. vob to dvd burner If Apple pulls Amazon, I can only imagine how many people you will be entertained royally pissed?
I"m a newbie too and I learn alot from a free newsletter and information from www.perry Most of his information is on using google adwards.Hope that helps you out a little.
ME also learn many thing from internet, searching informative websites and also from this website too.
I"m a beginner too and I understand a lot from a 100 % free publication and details from www.perry Most of his details is on using search engines adwards.Hope that allows you out a little.